No titles please!

No title please! The book titles are not their faces as we take them to be. They are more like contemporary news headlines, compressed and structured to fit a conventional style that fails to communicate the message of the whole, the medium, the content and the body of knowledge it represents. Books as well as their titles are slipping away as sites of singularities of knowledge, when they are ordered together in a disorderly, yet natural way, depending on the space available for them. The slippages in meanings are also on account of their histories and the histories of divergent relationships with the areas of interests of the person who keeps them as extensions of his/her body of existence and meanings. One is reminded of the missed opportunities in acquiring knowledge as one fixates on the faces (titles) that refuse to be faces and bodies (of books) that seem to belong everywhere, despite the artificial anchors provided by the name of the author, name of the publisher, place of the publisher etc., What is inside the singularities of these faces and bodies are nothing, to say the truth, as their insides are in fact sites of articulations, linkages, that fuse their obvious outsides and insides as one order of things, as Foucault envisioned; as one order of nature as Kaniyan Poongandran saw.